1 | AD | Active directory | |
2 | ADSL | Asymmetric digital subscriber line | |
3 | AI | Artificial Intelligence | |
4 | AJAX | Asynchronous JavaScript and XML | |
5 | API | Application Programming Interface | |
6 | ASC | Ascending | |
7 | ASCII | American standard code for information interchange | |
8 | ASP | Active server page | |
9 | ATA | Advanced technology attachment | |
10 | BDD | Behavior-Driven Development | |
11 | BEM | Block, Element, Modifier | |
12 | BIOS | Basic input – Output System | |
13 | BNC | British Naval Connector | |
14 | BPS | Bits per second | |
15 | CAL | Computer aided learning | |
16 | CDN | Content delivery network | |
17 | CI/CD | Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment | |
18 | CLI | Command Line Interface | |
19 | CMOS | Complementary metal oxide semiconductor | |
20 | CMS | Content Management System | |
21 | CPU | Central processing unit | |
22 | CRUD | Create, read, update, and delete | |
23 | CSS | Cascading Style Sheets | |
24 | CSS3 | Cascading Style Sheets version 3 | |
25 | CSV | Comma-separated values | |
26 | CVS | Concurrent Versioning System | |
27 | DBMS | Database Management System | |
28 | DESC | Descending | |
29 | DNS | Domain Name System | |
30 | DOM | Document Object Model | |
31 | DSN | Domain name system | |
32 | EOF | End of File | |
33 | ES | ECMAScript | |
34 | ETL | Extract, Transform, Load | |
35 | FIFO | First In First Out | |
36 | FTP | File Transfer Protocol | |
37 | FTP | File Transfer Protocol | |
38 | GIT | Distributed Version Control System | |
39 | GUI | Graphical User Interface | |
40 | HDD | Hard disk drive | |
41 | HTML | HyperText Markup Language | |
42 | HTML5 | HyperText Markup Language version 5 | |
43 | HTTP | Hypertext Transfer Protocol | |
44 | HTTPS | Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure | |
45 | IaaS | Infrastructure as a Service | |
46 | IDE | Integrated Development Environment | |
47 | IoC | Inversion of Control | |
48 | IoT | Internet of Things | |
49 | IT | Information Technology | |
50 | JDBC | Java Database Connectivity | |
51 | JDK | Java Development Kit | |
52 | JRE | Java Runtime Environment | |
53 | JS | JavaScript | |
54 | JSON | JavaScript Object Notation | |
55 | JVM | Java Virtual Machine | |
56 | JWT | JSON Web Token | |
57 | LAMP | Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Python/Perl | |
58 | LAN | Local area network | |
59 | MEAN | MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, Node.js | |
60 | ML | Machine Learning | |
61 | MVC | Model-View-Controller | |
62 | MVP | Model-View-Presenter | |
63 | NPM | Node Package Manager | |
64 | OAuth | Open Authentication | |
65 | OOP | Object-Oriented Programming | |
66 | ORM | Object Relational Mapping | |
67 | OS | Operating system | |
68 | PaaS | Platform as a Service | |
69 | RAM | Random access memory | |
70 | REGEX | Regular expression | |
71 | REST | Representational State Transfer | |
72 | ROM | Read only memory | |
73 | SaaS | Software as a Service | |
74 | SDK | Software Development Kit | |
75 | SEO | Search Engine Optimization | |
76 | SOAP | Simple Object Access Protocol | |
77 | SOLID | Single responsibility principle, Open-closed principle, Liskov substitution principle, Interface segregation principle, and Dependency inversion principle | |
78 | SQL | Structured Query Language | |
79 | SSL | Secure Sockets Layer | |
80 | TDD | Test-Driven Development | |
81 | TLS | Transport Layer Security | |
82 | UAT | User Acceptance Testing | |
83 | UI | User Interface | |
84 | URL | Uniform Resource Locator | |
85 | UUID | Universally unique identifier | |
86 | UX | User Experience | |
87 | WAN | Wide area network | |
88 | WIFI | Wireless fidelity | |
89 | WWW | World wide web | |
90 | WYSIWYG | What you see is what you get | |
91 | XAMPP | Apache, MySQL, PHP, FTP server, Mail Server | |
92 | XML | eXtensible Markup Language | |
93 | YAML | YAML Ain't Markup Language | |