ZendVN - Học lập trình online

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Danh sách

#Từ viết tắtNghĩaAudio
1ADActive directory
2ADSLAsymmetric digital subscriber line
3AIArtificial Intelligence
4AJAXAsynchronous JavaScript and XML
5APIApplication Programming Interface
7ASCIIAmerican standard code for information interchange
8ASPActive server page
9ATAAdvanced technology attachment
10BDDBehavior-Driven Development
11BEMBlock, Element, Modifier
12BIOSBasic input – Output System
13BNCBritish Naval Connector
14BPSBits per second
15CALComputer aided learning
16CDNContent delivery network
17CI/CDContinuous Integration/Continuous Deployment
18CLICommand Line Interface
19CMOSComplementary metal oxide semiconductor
20CMSContent Management System
21CPUCentral processing unit
22CRUDCreate, read, update, and delete
23CSSCascading Style Sheets
24CSS3Cascading Style Sheets version 3
25CSVComma-separated values
26CVSConcurrent Versioning System
27DBMSDatabase Management System
29DNSDomain Name System
30DOMDocument Object Model
31DSNDomain name system
32EOFEnd of File
34ETLExtract, Transform, Load
35FIFOFirst In First Out
36FTPFile Transfer Protocol
37FTPFile Transfer Protocol
38GITDistributed Version Control System
39GUIGraphical User Interface
40HDDHard disk drive
41HTMLHyperText Markup Language
42HTML5HyperText Markup Language version 5
43HTTPHypertext Transfer Protocol
44HTTPSHypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
45IaaSInfrastructure as a Service
46IDEIntegrated Development Environment
47IoCInversion of Control
48IoTInternet of Things
49ITInformation Technology
50JDBCJava Database Connectivity
51JDKJava Development Kit
52JREJava Runtime Environment
54JSONJavaScript Object Notation
55JVMJava Virtual Machine
56JWTJSON Web Token
57LAMPLinux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Python/Perl
58LANLocal area network
59MEANMongoDB, Express.js, Angular, Node.js
60MLMachine Learning
63NPMNode Package Manager
64OAuthOpen Authentication
65OOPObject-Oriented Programming
66ORMObject Relational Mapping
67OSOperating system
68PaaSPlatform as a Service
69RAMRandom access memory
70REGEXRegular expression
71RESTRepresentational State Transfer
72ROMRead only memory
73SaaSSoftware as a Service
74SDKSoftware Development Kit
75SEOSearch Engine Optimization
76SOAPSimple Object Access Protocol
77SOLIDSingle responsibility principle, Open-closed principle, Liskov substitution principle, Interface segregation principle, and Dependency inversion principle
78SQLStructured Query Language
79SSLSecure Sockets Layer
80TDDTest-Driven Development
81TLSTransport Layer Security
82UATUser Acceptance Testing
83UIUser Interface
84URLUniform Resource Locator
85UUIDUniversally unique identifier
86UXUser Experience
87WANWide area network
88WIFIWireless fidelity
89WWWWorld wide web
90WYSIWYGWhat you see is what you get
91XAMPPApache, MySQL, PHP, FTP server, Mail Server
92XMLeXtensible Markup Language
93YAMLYAML Ain't Markup Language
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